I've spent lots of quality time thinking about my new word for 2010, inspired. More than simply declare this my word, I want to fully embrace it with action steps. So, to celebrate this 100th post on my blog (hooray!), I'm giving myself 10 things to concentrate on this year that will help me absorb inspiration into my everyday life. Here they are...
1. Keep life in focus :: continue to open my eyes to gratitude which can only be accomplished through a concentrated awareness of all that is good in life. With camera in hand, I'll be documenting what I see each week.
2. Get out and about :: two times per month, I'm scheduling inspiration dates with myself or a friend where the sole purpose is to seek out and find inspiration and renewed excitement.
3. Read good stuff :: I love to read and if I read the right stuff, it can invigorate me for days. So, first thing in the morning and just before bed, I will take 15 minutes to read something that inspires me in some way.
4. Experience nature :: It never fails, when I'm surrounded by nature, taking in deep breaths of fresh air, I am completely inspired. I know that I need to do this more often in 2010. My plan is to get out at least once a week and experience what's outside my windows (no matter the weather). Every single day, I'll make it a point to look out my windows, where I can see and appreciate some form of nature's beauty in front of me.
5. Listen to music :: I've been listening to the same play list on my ipod for too long now. In this new year, I'm going to put together a new inspired collection of songs that speaks to me and makes me want to dance, sing, and create!
6. Create something by hand :: To put it simply...when I'm creating something, I'm happy. The act of creating something by hand invigorates and energizes my mind and spirit and it inspires my entire life. I'm giving myself persmission to take the time needed to nurture this activity with many wonderfully fun projects!
7. Celebrate something :: Celebrating the little and big stuff in life is exciting and just plain fun. I want to do more of this in 2010 and will look for things to celebrate with family, friends, and even by myself.
8. Keep on learning :: I am an enthusiastic student of life and will never, ever stop looking for opportunities to learn something new. This year, I'm going to study. learn, and practice the things that fill me up with inspiration and teach me to see new perspectives.
9. Have an adventure :: By stepping out of routine on occasion and "going for it", I'll add more adventure, fun, and ultimately inspiration to my year!
10. Sit still and breathe :: This is probably the hardest of my action steps...for me. Sitting still has never been something that I've done well but I know it's essential to my body and soul and will clear my mind to allow inspiration in. I'm determined to learn how.
That's it!
Throughout the year,I'll be posting my inspired discoveries, plans, progress, and results on my blog. It's going to be a fun journey and I hope you'll join me along the way!
Here's to living inspired! Ready? Let's go!