I am so proud of the amazing performance that my daughter gave on that stage last Saturday. She was beautiful and confident and joyful...and it made my heart skip a beat and took my breath away.
I am enjoying a bouquet of flowers in every room of my home. Between my birthday and her performance, we are rich in blooms!
I am getting ready to leave for a week away alone with my husband. So needed. I feel so lucky to have the chance to spend this time with him.
I am grateful that my parents are so willing to step in and manage it all while I'm away.
I am missing my studio and can't wait to dive back into the projects I have on my desk and in my heart.
I am tired.
I am excited to come back home feeling rested and inspired.
I am making to do lists and grocery lists and check lists for when I'm out of town. So many details!
I am going to make a very cool project to celebrate my 40th birthday year...more details to come!
I am wishing that my puppy would stop chewing up the carpet.
I am looking forward to reading the stack of books by my bedside.
I am in need of some sunshine.
I am thinking about my summer garden and backyard projects.
I am planning some fun surprises for my sweet Owain's 10th birthday in April.
I am trying to come to grips with the sudden loss of a good friend and trying to see through the fog of this past week's events. It has had a profound effect on me and I will share more when I'm able.
I am feeling comforted by this.