I can hardly believe that the glorious month of June is finally here!! The winter here in Michigan was, well...in a word, LONG, and the beautiful season of summer couldn't have arrived any slower for us. Even though we do appreciate each season and what it brings..the cold temperatures and gray skies get to us after several months and I guess that's part of what makes this particular change so very special. Summer is almost here now and I am truly grateful and looking forward to all of the little details of life that make this season with my family so sweet.
1. farmer's markets - the colors, the fresh air, the ripe and yummy selection of home grown foods.
2. swimming, swimming, and more swimming - oh how my little boy adores swimming
3. tucking very tired kids with big smiles into bed at the end of the day
4. sleep - the opportunity to just rest when necessary (big smile)
5. exploring and doing and learning- the fun stuff that is just waiting to be discovered
6. open windows and fresh breezes through the house
7. time for the projects that we dream about all year - sewing, painting, cooking, building
8. playing with friends and impromptu parties outside
9. sitting in my garden with a good book - I have a stack just waiting for me.
10. long hikes through the woods with a walking stick, my camera, and a bottle of water.
11. oh yeah, and the ice cream - lots and lots of ice cream! :)
What are you most looking forward to this season??