This is a summer of change for my family. Change in a positive direction as we journey to better health and doing our part toward a better earth. What does this mean exactly??
Eating clean means that we are moving toward
natural in how and what we eat. I have always felt that we ate relatively healthy as a family. I prepared dinner most nights and did my best to include veggies and a well rounded meal. Then, it happened. I became a label reader and my whole way of thinking changed. I began to read and study and learn how "healthy" the food I prepared for my family really was or
wasn't. I became aware of the endless ingredient lists with items I couldn't even pronounce that were on the backs of virtually every prepackaged good I had in the house. And, in the process, I discovered how unhealthy these items really were for us. I knew that I wanted to make a change. So, working with a nutritionist, I began learning, studying,asking a LOT of questions, and reading a LOT of books. I soon realized how important it was for us to look at food in a different way and that I could in fact provide healthy meals this way without sacrificing taste. The bottom line? As a family, we are in the process of giving up the prepackaged, quick, and convenient way of eating for a more "clean" way.....natural and unprocessed. What we are discovering is that eating this way is delicious, enjoyable, and doesn't have to take a lot of extra time. We all have a closer connection to the foods that we eat. As a family, we are spending more time preparing food together and experimenting. We are feeling more energetic and inspired in the kitchen....and I can feel a sense of "wellness" blanketing our home.
Going green means that we are learning every day and becoming more and more aware of what we can do as a family to protect our earth. And what we're learning is that there's a lot we can do! Starting with our kitchen, we are implementing these changes and working on it one step at a time. The interesting discovery for us is that by eating clean, we automatically are a greener family. Less packaged food means less waste and a whole slew of other effects. It's all good stuff!
We accept that we won't be perfect in this lifestyle and we don't strive to be. We are just doing what we can for ourselves and our environment...for now and for the future.
Periodically, I'll post ideas and updates on my blog as we continue this process. It's an inspired journey that I look forward to sharing!
Happy Monday!