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December 17, 2009


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Kate England | Marmalade Moon

Gosh, I'm so incredibly stressed out too! Tons of stuff piling up and I feel somehow less able to deal with stress this year, thank I have been in the past. Celebration? Well, here are my thoughts.

1 Nature, long walks in a hopefully snowy landscape.
2 Friends, I just bumped into a friend I'd drifted away from while Christmas shopping and actually had coffee with another dearly loved friend today.
3 Family of course, Christmas Eve with a Swedish get together and Christmas Day with an English Christmas.
4 Books and films and tea and slippers and pyjamas. Turkey sandwiches. Pleasant, slow days with lots of food for thought.
5 Put the Christmas card up on a ribbon for display. Renew the hyacinths, poinsettias and amaryllis as needed and embed them in tiny moss gardens. Find the "julbock", our straw ram who stands guard under the tree!

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