To say life around here has been chaotic would be an understatement...and this morning I am picking my head up, looking around, and realizing that it's been almost 3 weeks since I last spent any time in my blog space. That's too long, but I guess it was a necessary leave of absence.
Among some of the difficulties, my in-laws were in a car accident which put my father-in-law in the hospital with broken ribs and complications leading to pneumonia. He is doing better now but still can't come home and is being transferred to a rehab center for several weeks. It's been scary and hard on everyone. In the meantime, my kids have all come down with some sort of funky throat virus/cough that gave my oldest a sever case of laryngitis that he's had for close to three weeks with trips back and forth to the doctor. I've been teaching a lot (almost every day) which is great and I love it, but with everything else going on, it's left little time or energy for much else but running the household on auto pilot. Of course, there's been lots of good and happy stuff award ceremonies, track meets, scout meetings,concerts, and plays that are filling our time. Through it all, we're counting our blessings and working on our "go with the flow" attitude but it's been challenging. I've let go of my balance lately and it's beginning to take a toll.
But today is a new day and a fresh start to a new week! Things are getting better...and I'm looking for balance again. It doesn't take much but without these few important self care basics; eating healthy, exercise, creative time, & a few minutes of stillness each day, life can spin out of control and I lose focus fast. I'm trying to remember that doing these things is like putting the "oxygen mask" on myself first so that I can be a better me for everyone else. I wish I could remember that.