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Posted at 07:20 AM in In Focus Friday | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Have you started planning for or working on your backyard spaces yet?
In the midst of our very unpredictable Spring that we're having, I'm doing a lot of day dreaming and planning for our backyard spaces. As I write this, I can hear the birds singing outside my window while snow and sleet are raining down on them. Seriously. So, while we wait..and wait..and wait...I'm coming up with a plan for backyard beauty...and to fight the Springtime blahs.
Last weekend, we got out to my favorite local nursery and just enjoyed the color and fragrant air of the beautiful flowers and plants. It was so inspiring and although we didn't plan on buying anything that day, we just couldn't resist the cold weather tolerant (and very vibrant) pansies along with a couple of lettuce and broccoli plants for our veggie garden. So, now they sit and wait with me on a temporary potting bench that I set up in the garage.
In addition to our butterfly/hummingbird and veggie gardens that we established last year, I'm planning a lavender garden that I'm so excited about! I would love to have enough lavender to dry and use for gifts, so we'll see if I can make that happen.
I enjoy having lots of different spaces in the yard that pull us out to explore, relax, and appreciate...places that literally give a reason to step outside. I found this as a great resource to get super cool ideas for creative backyard spaces. I love so many of the ideas and can't wait to get started!
For now, I'll keep day dreaming, planning, collecting ideas, and...oh yeah...wearing my winter coat!
Wishing you an inspired (and warm) Wednesday!
Posted at 09:10 AM in connect with nature, Inspired Spaces | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:01 AM in Corgi Chronicles, In Focus Friday | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Today I'm picking up my camera to search for and focus on the beauty in what is sometimes a world that just doesn't make sense.
Today I'm thinking about Boston and the tragedy at the marathon...and hoping for peace and healing.
Today I'm grateful to see this beautiful sky.
Today my son went back to school after a few yucky days with the flu.
Today I'm hoping that no one else comes down with it!
Today the temperature is supposed to be a sunny 57 degrees which means it's time to open the windows and let in the fresh Spring breeze.
Today I'm dreaming about our outdoor spaces and I'm getting inspired to get out and play in the dirt, making things beautiful and colorful again.
Today I'm thinking about our college student as he prepares for his finals and I'm so looking forward to having him home for the summer.
Today my sweet Corgi is following me wherever I go and begging for a walk to the park.
Today the grass looks a little greener.
Today I'm finding the beauty and counting my blessings.
Posted at 07:52 AM in today | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Over the weekend, I cashed in a super special birthday gift from my husband and it was simply amazing. National Geographic Traveler came to our area to teach a day long seminar on travel photography and I had the incredible opportunity to learn from them!
I was so excited and eager that I was in my seat and ready to go 30 minutes before it even started! I soaked in every word and was in awe of the gorgeous images shown on the giant screen in front of me. There were even moments during the seminar when I was so touched by the beauty of their work, that I literally got a lump in my thoat and felt chills on my arms! It was in those moments, that I knew I was in the right place.
The day completely exceeded all of my expectations and I walked away with my head just spinning with ideas and inspiration for my own photography and stories. I'm so grateful to have had this opportunity and I just can't wait to dive in to all that I learned!
As I laid in bed last night, my mind just racing with possibility, I was reminded of this quote by Steve Jobs:
Find something you love so much, you can’t wait for the sun to rise.
I do believe I've found it.
Here's to a passion-filled Monday!
Posted at 05:41 AM in life through a lens, living inspired | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
One of the wonderful things about our beautiful state of Michigan is it's four distinct seasons. They each offer us a different perspective and the opportunity to begin again with fresh eyes. However, this particular Winter has been sooooooo long! As in, one of the longest and coldest and grayest that I can remember. Or maybe it's just that I'm getting older and can't seem to keep warm - we're talking socks to bed, people! Anyway, Spring is on it's way and it is my favorite of the four because of the way we get to witness the world around us literally come alive after a very long and peaceful slumber.
A couple of weeks ago, we had a surprisingly Spring-like day where the sun came out and the temperatures rose past freezing. It was so beautiful and very much appreciated! As soon as my husband got home from work, we jumped in the car and headed out for a walk in the woods. As we walked, I couldn't believe how the forest started moving with activity. The animals came out of their hiding places as if to step out on stage and perform the "Spring is Finally Here" dance. The birds sang and followed us, almost like they were playing peek-a-boo as we moved down the path. It was so thrilling and I remember thinking that this must be what Snow White feels like! And I do believe that these sweet creatures were just as excited as we were.
Every walk with nature tells a story and I love to listen. Spring is finally on it's way and we are ALL very happy about that!
Posted at 05:43 AM in connect with nature, life through a lens, Once Upon a Walk | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life.
~Maya Angelou
Today begins a brand new adventure for me and I could not be more excited! After a very long time away from my little blog that I've missed so much, I made the choice to come back. I listened to my heart and in these past months away, I've found a fresh new perspective for a life in focus and I can't wait to share. If you found your way to this space, welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I enjoy sharing my stories, inspiration, passion, and heart with you!
I'm ready! Here comes Life in Focus...
Posted at 11:48 AM in today | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)